Device History
Device historical meter data can be viewed and exported using a built-in query engine. This query engine supports full SQLite-compatible statements and functions and gives you the ultimate flexibility in viewing and exporting all the data your device has to offer. This historical data can be viewed directly in your browser, or exported to CSV.
Viewing Device History
To view historical meter data for a specific device
- Using the sidebar, click Devices > View Devices
- Find the device you'd like you view meter history for
- Click the three dots on the right-hand side of the device row
- A drop-down menu will open, click View meter history
- A query editor and results viewer will open showing the last 30 days by default
- To export the data, click Export in the query editor
Device History Query Editor
The device history query editor provides a powerful interface for viewing and exporting the data that you care about for each specific device. By default, the query contains the most common counters (in this case total, total black, total color, total copies, total prints, total faxes, total scans and each of the three-tier color totals).
- Date range selector is used to query for meter readings that were reported during a specified time period
- Table schema viewer shows all the available column names that can be used in your queries
- Query editor is used to edit the SQLite compatible statements that determine how your data is returned
- Query engine controls allows you to run queries and view the results in the query results viewer or export the results to CSV. The gear button provides you with links to the SQLite documentation, as well as the ability to restart your query-engine if something isn't working right.
- Query results shows the result of running your query
Basic Time-series Query
In this example we'll use a simple query to return time-series data sorted by the timestamp of the meter read.
DATETIME(timestamp) as 'Timestamp',
pageCounts_default_total as 'Total'
FROM meters
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
Timestamp | Total | Total Black | Total Color |
2021-08-11 14:42:28 | 13129 | 8081 | 5953 |
2021-08-10 14:24:35 | 13076 | 8039 | 5923 |
2021-08-09 15:25:20 | 13074 | 8039 | 5921 |
2021-08-06 14:15:43 | 13053 | 8018 | 5921 |
2021-08-05 14:28:30 | 13037 | 8002 | 5919 |
Volume Over Time Using LAG
Using a LAG
function, we can look at volume by counter over time. We'll output the total values of each counter as well as the daily volume for each counter.
DATE(timestamp) as 'Timestamp',
pageCounts_default_total as 'Total',
pageCounts_default_totalBlack as 'Total Black',
pageCounts_default_totalColor as 'Total Color',
pageCounts_default_total - LAG(pageCounts_default_total, -1)
OVER (ORDER BY timestamp DESC) as 'Total Volume',
pageCounts_default_totalBlack - LAG(pageCounts_default_totalBlack, -1)
OVER (ORDER BY timestamp DESC) as 'Total Black Volume',
pageCounts_default_totalColor - LAG(pageCounts_default_totalColor, -1)
OVER (ORDER BY timestamp DESC) as 'Total Color Volume'
FROM meters
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
Timestamp | Total | Total Black | Total Color | Total Volume | Total Black Volume | Total Color Volume |
2021-08-11 | 13129 | 8081 | 5953 | 53 | 42 | 30 |
2021-08-10 | 13076 | 8039 | 5923 | 2 | 0 | 2 |
2021-08-09 | 13074 | 8039 | 5921 | 21 | 21 | 0 |
2021-08-06 | 13053 | 8018 | 5921 | 16 | 16 | 2 |
2021-08-05 | 13037 | 8002 | 5919 | 49 | 19 | 37 |