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GET Get Entity


Returns an entity object for the provided entity ID.

Path Parameters

  • entityID string - The ID of the entity


  • x-api-key - Your Print Tracker API key

Query Parameters

  • includeChildren boolean optional - Whether the resulting entity should contain an array of children entity names and IDs at every hierarchical level under Print Tracker. This is useful for traversing entity hierarchy.
$ curl --request GET '<ENTITY-ID-HERE>?includeChildren=true' --header 'x-api-key: <API-KEY-HERE>'

GET Get Devices by Entity


Returns an array of devices that belong to the specified entity and (optionally) its children.

Path Parameters

  • entityID string - The ID of the entity


  • x-api-key - Your Print Tracker API key

Query Parameters

  • includeChildren boolean optional - Defaults to false, determines whether we should return devices at the provided entityID and all children entities or just the provided entityID.
  • limit number optional - Defaults to 100, determines the maximum number of devices in the response array.
  • page number optional - Defaults to 1, determines the paginator's current page for the request.
  • excludeDisabled bool - If enabled, only devices whose tracking status is 'Enabled' will be included in the final result.
$ curl --request GET '<ENTITY-ID-HERE>/device?limit=100&page=1&includeChildren=true' --header 'x-api-key: <API-KEY-HERE>'

An array of Device objects

GET Get Meters by Entity


Returns an array of meter reads for the specified entity.

Path Parameters

  • entityID string - The ID of the entity


  • x-api-key - Your Print Tracker API key

Query Parameters

  • start date - The start of the meter read date range formatted as RFC3339, ISO8601 (without timezone), RFC1123Z, RFC1123, RFC1123, RFC822Z, RFC822, RFC8250, ANSIC, or Unix.
  • end date - The end of the meter read date range formatted as RFC3339, ISO8601 (without timezone), RFC1123Z, RFC1123, RFC1123, RFC822Z, RFC822, RFC8250, ANSIC, or Unix.
  • excludeDisabled bool - If enabled, only meters from devices whose tracking status is 'Enabled' will be included in the final result.
$ curl --location --request GET '<ENTITY-ID-HERE>/meter?start=2020-12-18T17:52:52.417Z&end=2021-01-25T17:52:52.417Z' --header 'x-api-key: <API-KEY-HERE>'

An array of Meter Read objects

GET Get Current Meters by Entity


Returns an array of current meter reads for all devices at the specified entity. If includeChildren is enabled and provided in the query string, this endpoint will return the current meter reads for all devices at the provided entity and any children of the provided entity. This endpoint is paginated, and the caller should pass a page and limit to paginate all the results from the endpoint.

Path Parameters

  • entityID string - The ID of the entity


  • x-api-key - Your Print Tracker API key

Query Parameters

  • includeChildren bool - Whether the response should include current meters from devices at children of this entity.
  • excludeDisabled bool - If enabled, only meters from devices whose tracking status is 'Enabled' will be included in the final result.
  • page int - The pagination page that you want to return data for.
  • limit int - The number of results in the pagination page. If the number of results is less than the limit, then you know you've retrieved all available meter reads.
$ curl --location --request GET '<ENTITY-ID-HERE>/currentMeter?includeChildren=true&page=1&limit=100' --header 'x-api-key: <API-KEY-HERE>'

An array of Meter Read objects

GET Get Meters by Device


Returns an array of meter reads for the specified device.

Path Parameters

  • entityID string - The ID of the entity
  • deviceID string - The ID of the device


  • x-api-key - Your Print Tracker API key

Query Parameters

  • start date - The start of the meter read date range formatted as RFC3339, ISO8601 (without timezone), RFC1123Z, RFC1123, RFC1123, RFC822Z, RFC822, RFC8250, ANSIC, or Unix.
  • end date - The end of the meter read date range formatted as RFC3339, ISO8601 (without timezone), RFC1123Z, RFC1123, RFC1123, RFC822Z, RFC822, RFC8250, ANSIC, or Unix.
$ curl --location --request GET '<ENTITY-ID-HERE>/device/<DEVICE-ID-HERE>/meter?start=2021-01-08T17:52:52.417Z&end=2021-01-25T17:52:52.417Z' --header 'x-api-key: <API-KEY-HERE>'

An array of Meter Read objects

GET Get Meter Immediately Prior to Date


Returns the meter read for a device that is closest to, but not after the provided date query parameter.

Path Parameters

  • entityID string - The ID of the entity
  • deviceID string - The ID of the device


  • x-api-key - Your Print Tracker API key

Query Parameters

  • date date - The meter read returned will be the most recent meter read that occurred before this date, formatted as RFC3339, ISO8601 (without timezone), RFC1123Z, RFC1123, RFC1123, RFC822Z, RFC822, RFC8250, ANSIC, or Unix.
$ curl --location --request GET '<ENTITY-ID-HERE>/device/<DEVICE-ID-HERE>/meter/mostRecentPriorTo?date=2021-07-01T17:52:52.417Z' --header 'x-api-key: <API-KEY-HERE>'

A single Meter Read object

POST Create a new entity


Creates a new entity underneath an existing entity. The entity key in the path parameters should be the parent entity of the new entity. For example, assuming you have the following hierarchy:

        New Entity

Then you would provide the entity key of "Bar" in the path parameter to create "New Entity" underneath "Bar".

Path Parameters

  • entityID string - The ID of the parent entity


  • x-api-key - Your Print Tracker API key


    "name": "New entity"
$ curl --location --request POST '<ENTITY ID HERE>' \
    --header 'x-api-key: <API-KEY-HERE>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "name": "New entity"

PUT Update an existing entity


Updates an existing entity.

Path Parameters

  • entityID string - The ID of the parent entity


  • x-api-key - Your Print Tracker API key


    "name": "Updated entity name"
$ curl --location --request PUT '<ENTITY ID HERE>' \
    --header 'x-api-key: <API-KEY-HERE>' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "name": "Updated entity name"